An Organized List of 13 of the Most Iconic Kingdom Hearts Keyblades

13 Iconic Kingdom Heart Keyblades
13 of the Most Iconic Kingdom Hearts Keyblades

It’s 2020! And guess what? The new Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind DLC will be out in two weeks!

Yes! The end of the “Dark Seeker Saga” is done with last year’s Kingdom Hearts III. And here in Re:Mind, we finally get to see what happened in between the stages where there seems to be more than meets the eye. 

Re:Mind will feature tons of missing elements from the game that makes it an actual Kingdom Hearts game. If you are not familiar with what the DLC might entrail, we have written an article last year about several things that will come with it. It features the actual Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind DLC release date, theories on what might happen inside new content, plus screenshots of some of our favorite characters. We definitely urge you to read that article and engage us in conversations about the game if you are following up on anything KH related.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Cap

For all of you who didn’t know, or have already forgotten about the series, Kingdom Hearts started way back almost two decades ago in 2002. It was a joint project between Square-Enix – they were known as SquareSoft or only as Square back then – and Disney. The project was spearheaded by renowned game designer, artist, and director Tetsuya Nomura. He worked on several Square projects in the past but was mostly known in his heavy involvement in one of the gaming world’s best game ever – Final Fantasy VII

The main character of the Kingdom Hearts series is a happy-go-lucky boy named Sora. Early in the story, his world got destroyed by a swarm of dark being called the Heartless, losing his friends along the process. By some luck, he survived and met two of Disney’s most iconic characters: Donald Duck and Goofy. He then travels various worlds together with his newfound friends. He vows to restore and protect the light in other worlds so that the tragedy in his homeworld won’t happen again, all the while looking for his friends. 

kingdom hearts 3 sora

Sora battles the forces of Darkness with a legendary weapon called the Keyblade, in which this is the actual topic of this article!

Check the price of Kingdom Hearts 3 for the PlayStation 4

Check the price of Kingdom Hearts 3 for the Xbox One

Etymology of a Kingdom Hearts Keyblade

The Keyblade is the only weapon Sora uses throughout the whole game. While specific mechanics in Kingdom Hearts III introduced Sora wielding different weapons, they are mostly derived from an original Keyblade form. The Keyblade is a legendary – almost mythical – weapon that were once used by mighty people. Think of this as the lightsaber by Jedi and Sith, and you get the picture. A Keyblade chooses its wielder; thus, no other person other than the real owner of the Keyblade can use it. This is shown by various people trying to hold the Keyblade, and it phases out and returns to Sora’s hands. There used to be many Keyblade wielders, but a war wiped them out in a far-off past.

keyblade graveyard

A Keyblade is made up of a handle, a guard, and a blade; all of which when put together, resembles a key. There is great significance as to why they are shaped like this. Using these weapons, Keyblade wielders can tap the very essence of the world that connects it with other worlds, in the form of doors. Hence, the only one who can open or close these doors are the ones who hold the “key”. 

Throughout the series, we were introduced to tons of Keyblades in various forms. They are often designed following what world it represents. For example, a Keyblade from the world of Alladin will have lamp motifs. In contrast, a Keyblade from Mulan’s world will have draconic motifs that symbolize Mushu. 

In Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, 3, and some of the other unnumbered games, changing Keyblades is done through the swapping of Keychains. These Kingdom Hearts keychains are the ones that change a wielder’s weapon into the Keyblade form that he uses to battle. This is an excellent mechanic that ties in Sora’s Keyblade with the overarching narrative of Kingdom Hearts.

As there are a lot of different Keyblades, there will always be some that stand out amongst the others. Whether it’s because of its stats, design, or the significance of that Keyblade on KH’s story, these Keyblades will forever be remembered by players who have followed the game from its roots. As such, we would like to present to you, 13 of the most iconic Kingdom Hearts Keychains and Keyblades from the game.

Kingdom Key – The First Keyblade We Ever Saw

The Kingdom Key is probably one of the most iconic weapons that hailed from a game. I mean, you’d know that this is from Kingdom Hearts once you see it. This Keyblade appeared in almost – if not all – Kingdom Hearts games and is Sora’s default weapon.

kingdom key

The Kingdom Key looks like a generic skeleton key. The blade itself is silver, the guard is gold, while the rain-guard has a blue color. The Keychain token it uses is a silver Hidden Mickey, while the teeth on the key are shaped like a crown. This crown also somwhat matches Sora’s recurring crown motif.

The Kingdom Key was first introduced in the original Kingdom Hearts game, as Sora’s first incarnation of the Keyblade. It is, therefore, in theory, the original form of the Keybalde that Roxas and Xion (Sora’s counterparts) use. 

kh1 sora

While a Keyblade is supposed to choose its wielder, it is shown that three other people can use the Kingdom Key. At the end of Kingdom Hearts, Riku was revealed to be the true wielder of the Kingdom Key. Xion is shown to exclusively use the Kingdom Key, as she is supposed to be a direct replica of Sora. Roxas has been shown to use the Kingdom Key in the earlier parts of Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days because he is Sora’s Nobody.

The Kingdom Key is known to be a Keyblade of the Realm of Light. As such, there is another Keyblade that has inverse colors (silver guard, gold blade, and Keychain token, red rain-guard), the Kingdom Key D.

kingdom key d

The D stands for Darkside. This version of the Kingdom Key is a Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness, and it is King Mickey’s default Keyblade after he relinquished the Star Seeker. We had to give a shout out to the Kingdom Key D since it was a crucial factor when they closed the door to the realm of Darkness in the first Kingdom Hearts game. It also has been Mickey’s Keyblade on the main games, before it got smashed in KH3 and was replaced with the Star Cluster.

Star Seeker – A Keyblade of Whimsical Fantasy

The Star Seeker is another iconic Keyblade in the series. Story-wise, it is the Keyblade that King Mickey uses before he gets the Kingdom Key D. The Star Seeker is then used by Sora in Kingdom Hearts II after he visits Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather to get his Valor Form. This part is where we actually see the Star Seeker for the first time.

star seeker

The design for this Keyblade is a mixture of many whimsical features that Disney is known for. The guard looks like what appears to be two shooting stars, colored in blue, white, and yellow. The “stars” that connect the guard to the blade is made up of a white circle. The actual star is yellow, in a background of blue-violet. The blade is dark purple on the base where the rain-guard is supposed to be seen. The gradient turns lighter as the blade elongates to the end. There are white-ish silver stars on the blade as well. The teeth of the Star Seeker is a crescent moon with a star inside it. It is somewhat designed like it is connected to the blade’s end, which is also crescent-shaped with spikes at the end. The handle is a blue-green colored bar with a four-pointed star that connects it to the upper part. The base of the handle is another elaborately-designed star, which connects to the tail of the shooting star guards. The Keychain token used is in the shape of a golden yellow crescent moon. The Star Seeker’s design is implied to be derived from the movie Fantasia, where stars and fireworks are a thing. It is associated with the world of the Mysterious Tower.

mickey wielding star seeker

As mentioned, this was first used by King Mickey years before the start of the original Kingdom Hearts game. The Star Seeker was Mickey’s Keyblade while he was venturing worlds as part of his Mark of Mastery exam under the tutelage of Master Yen Sid. The Keychain was passed on to Sora in Kingdom Hearts II and helps him unlock his true potential in wielding Keyblades.

Way to the Dawn – Walking Between Light and Darkness

Another well-known Kingdom Hearts Keyblade from the series, the Way to the Dawn, is a Keyblade that our main character Sora never used. This weapon is the trademark weapon of Riku, Sora’s best friend, and the deuteragonist of the series. The Keyblade’s name also reflects the nature of Riku, who is both attuned to the powers of Light and Darkness and is sitting somewhere in the middle.

way to the dawn

The Way to the Dawn’s design is heavily reminiscent of the Soul Eater, a sword used by Riku when he was an antagonist in the first Kingdom Hearts game. The blade looks like a demonic wing, which has black for the “bone” and red for the “fin” colors. In contrast to the Soul Eater’s curved blade, the WotD’s edge is now straight, signifying Riku going on to the straight path. The blade also has a dark angel motif at the end where the teeth should be. The guards are composed of wings, with one white angelic wing, and one grayish-metallic demonic wing. They are both connected to the centerpiece of the guard, which looks like a turquoise cat’s eye. The handle is a mishmash of black and red. The Keychain token is a modified symbol of the game’s heart motif, in the shape of a Heartless emblem. The top has curling tips.

This Keyblade was first shown in Kingdom Hearts II, when Riku was saving Kairi and Namine from Saix, one of the Organization XIII’s members.

Oathkeeper and Oblivion – Roxas: Dual Wield Action!

Kingdom Hearts’ dual set of Keychains! The Oblivion and Oathkeeper are both popular Keyblades in the franchise, for a really cool reason. These Keyblades are dual-wielded by one of our favorite, tragic heroes in the game, Roxas.

roxas kh 3

The Oathkeeper and Oblivion are initially introduced in the game separately. The Oathkeeper signifies Sora’s memories of Kairi and is obtainable when Sora uses the Wayfinder as a Keychain. The Oblivion, on the other hand, is a Keychain you obtain in a chest after you beat Riku in the first Kingdom Hearts game. It also symbolizes Sora’s memory of his best friend.

The Oathkeeper is designed as a tribute to Kairi being Sora’s light. The overall color scheme is white and metallic-white. The blade is hollow, and is comprised of two metallic bars that twist over on the end. The kanji for light (光) can be seen on the end of the blade, in a mixture of blue, purple, and golden yellow colors. There is also a heart at the base of the kanji. The handle is metallic gray, while the guard comprises of two angel wings. The top of the handle also shows another heart. The Keychain token is a Wayfinder, made out of strewn Thalassa Shells. Calling out the Oathkeeper will bathe the wielder’s hands in bright light.


The name “Oathkeeper” signifies that this Keychain is a reminder of Sora’s promise to make his way back to Kairi.

The Oblivion’s design is a stark contrast to that of its light counterpart. While the Oathkeeper has more of a free-flowing Keyblade design, the Oblivion has touches of gothic style in it.


The blade of Oblivion looks sharper on the edges, but still retains a hollow design, like the Oathkeeper. However, there’s a chain that stretches out in the middle, along the length of Oblivion’s blade. The kanji for Darkness (闇) is located at the teeth section of the key. There is an elaborate, ornate design at the end of the blade. The guard resembles two bat-like demonic wings, while the handle looks like overlapping metal scales. On the hilt, there is a big purple diamond, which resembles the original logo for Hollow Bastion. The Kingdom Hearts Keychain token for Oblivion resembles the crown necklace Sora wears, albeit in black. Summoning the Oblivion invokes purplish sparks and dark smoke.

Both the Oathkeeper and Oblivion will be back in the Kingdom Hearts III DLC, Re:Mind.

Two Become One – The Actual Roxas-Themed Keyblade

Another recurring Keyblade in the series, Two Become One, has been popular with Roxas fans, seeing as this was a representation of his existence. Despite the popularity of Oathkeeper and Oblivion due to Roxas dual-wielding them, it is actually the Two Become One who represents him the most.

two become one kh2

Two Become One has a fascinating weapon design. It is heavily derived from a model that is in tune with the Nobodies. This Keyblade has a very sword-like appearance, which can be directly seen on the blade of the weapon. The blade looks like that of a Japanese katana, albeit a bit more curved, with heavy Nobody motifs adorning the backside and near the end or tip of the blade. At its tip, there is some sort of sharp loop that extends to the part that will be the teeth of the key. The teeth are common Nobody thorns that are found all throughout the series, but the colors are an alternate of black and white. The guard is black and is circular in shape, with thorn-like protrusions on each of the sides. The hilt is adorned with more thorns, and at the center of it lies the Nobody emblem. The handle is cylindrical with a black and white checkerboard design, which is also the same pattern on Roxas’ wristband. The Keychain links are stylized Nobody emblems, while the Keychain token is in the form of Roxas’ Nobody emblem, which was also his necklace’s design.

The Two Become One is not really that critical story-wise. What it is, though, is an excellent representation of one of the best characters in the whole Kingdom Hearts franchise.

Master’s Defender – An Ode to a Master from the Past

Master’s Defender is a Keyblade that acts as an integral part of the story, and such it is included on this list. Once wielded by the powerful Keyblade Master, Eraqus, it has been since passed down to one of his disciples, Master Aqua. As you may know, Eraqus is Square-Enix’ representative in the game, much like Yen Sid is Disney’s.

khbbs master eraqus

The Master’s Defender must have been the most “basic” looking Keyblade in the whole franchise, apart from the Kingdom Keys. This might signify how Master Eraqus wanted to live, simple and clean. The black-tinged blade is cylindrical, with simple-looking teeth at the end that is letter E shaped. The guard is somewhat of a simple square shape, with brownish cylinders that act as part of the guard, and the hilt. Several white blocks cover the places where the guards connect, as well as the base of the guard itself. The handle is quite different, though. Most Keyblades have circular or cylindrical handles, but this Keyblade has a square handle instead. This might be a call back to the fact that the original owner of this Keyblade is the personification of Square. For its Keychain token, it takes the form of the Mark of Mastery symbol. 

master's defender

In the story, after receiving the Master’s Defender, Aqua uses this Keyblade to change the Land of Departure into Castle Oblivion, the place where Ventus’ body is hidden. She also uses this in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 – A Fragmentary Passage. When Aqua was trapped the Realm of Darkness, she lost the Master’s Defender. It ended up on Destiny Islands, and Sora came across it. He used this Keyblade to go to the Realm of Darkness to go and help Aqua. Later, when she got back from the Realm of Darkness, she used this to reconstruct Castle Oblivion back to its original form. And on the final fights in the Keyblade Graveyard. Finally, Aqua, Terra, and Ventus used the Master’s Defender and their Wayfinders as a grave marker for Master Eraqus.

The Gazing Eye – A Keyblade with Many Secrets

The Gazing Eye, also known as No Name, might just be one of the most powerful Keyblades in existence. It was first created by the Master of Masters, an enigmatic figure in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. He fused one of his all-seeing eyes into the Keyblade, allowing it to foresee the future unfolding even though he wasn’t present. The Gazing Eye will provide a vital role in the story as it will ultimately arrive in the hands of the Dark Seeker saga’s antagonist, Xehanort.

no heart xehanort

The Gazing Eye’s design is something that looks like it was made for war. The guard looks like spiky demonic wings, and the handle is a cylindrical-shape with protrusions that make it look like a screw or spiral. Above the handle, where the guards connect, there is a demonic horned head. The blade consists of two barbed but sharp shafts. It is also adorned with twisted-looking line patterns. At the top of the blade, there is a turquoise eye. The teeth of the Keyblade resembles something that is from a clawed battle-ax, all adorned with the same twisting silver patterns. The Keychain token is a dark silver charm with another turquoise eye in the middle.

the gazing eye

The Gazing Eye was made by the Master of Masters. Before disappearing, he passed on this Keyblade to one of his apprentices, Luxu. The latter then watched as this Keyblade was passed on until it arrived at the hands of Xehanort. All throughout the series, Master Xehanort wielded this Keyblade to further his plans. The exact powers of The Gazing Eye not only includes locking or unlocking any doors and locks, but also the hearts of people. Xehanort used this to create his army of Nobodies, as well as to gather enough hearts to unlock the final key to Kingdom Hearts.

Starlight – The Keyblade of Past Lights

While initially not a part of the main series of games, the Starlight has received its fair share of fans. This Keyblade was first shown in the mobile game Kingdom Hearts χ (Chi, read as “key”). It also reappeared on the game’s “sequel” Kingdom Hearts Union χ (Union Cross). The Starlight is also one of Sora’s Kingdom Hearts Keychains in Kingdom Hearts III

sora starlight

The base form is what has been popular for fans all across the globe. However, it is interesting to note that in the KH mobile games, there is a Keyblade evolve feature. What that means is that the Starlight has several forms! Currently, this Keyblade has 4 forms in KHUX, but back in KHX, it had 5. We are going to stick with the design analysis on the KHUX versions since it’s the latest version of the game.

  1. starlight base formThe Starlight starts off with a basic design reminiscent of the Kingdom Key. The blade shaft is silver-ish blue in color and is rounded. The end of the blade has a small orb protruding on the tip, just past the teeth. The teeth are designed like a five-pointed star, with a spearhead-shaped blade is directly on the other side of it. The rain-guard is made of rounded gold material. The guard looks like Kingdom Key’s guard, albeit with a pastel blue color instead of gold. The handle is a very dark hue of blue and is cylindrical in nature. The Kingdom Hearts Keychain token is a gold, five-pointed star, connected to the Keyblade by a normal-looking silver chain.
  2. The second form of the Starlight is available once you upgrade it in-game to +4. The blade shaft now turns to a full golden color, and the orb at the tip is now surrounded by two rings in the form of an X. The teeth star is now also gold color, and the spearhead blade is now replaced by a five-point fan, which gives the teeth a “shooting star” feel. The orb, fan, and star are now joined together at the end of the blade shaft by a black and white segmentation. The rain-guard is now black, with a white part at the top that connects it to the blade. The guard design stays the same, but it now shows a lighter blue color. The Keychain token is now a shooting star motif, connected to the Keyblade by a black and gold chain.
  3. starlight third formThe following form is a massive change from the first two and is available once you get the Starlight to a +11 upgrade. The blade shaft is now black, and instead of a straight cylindrical elongation, it is now shaped like an hourglass. The blade is also covered by a golden spiral, with ornate four-pointed stars. The rain-guard is now gold, as well as the segmentation on the end of the Keyblade, which connects the teeth – which now shaped like a golden cage.

The star at the teeth now comes in three layers: a purple star at the middle of the original star, which also has five points on the “spaces” between the points of the original star that gives it an “inverted star” look. The fanning on the other end of the teeth is much bigger and more ornate and has hollow grooves inside it. The golden orb is now shaped like a sun, with seven rays. The guard is now purplish in color, which is adorned by a purple-and-gold layered star on the hilt. The star has two fans on the left and right side, which is also purple and gold. The corners on the base of the guard now sport the same four-point stars found on the blade shaft. The Keychain token is now a tiny replica of the teeth star in shooting star form and is connected to the Keyblade via a gold chain.

starlight final formThe Starlight’s last form at +35 just gives it an animated golden aura.

The Starlight Keyblade has initially been the starting Keyblade of every player on KHX and KHUX, and they start off with the base form. Ephemer, Skuld, and Strelitzia, three famous characters in the mobile games, wield the third form of this Keyblade. In the main games, Ephemer also shows up on Kingdom Hearts III, and is the one leading the “light from the past.” This section of the game pits Sora against a LOT of Heartless. Here, he is being protected by a multitude of Starlights, and he was also seen riding on one.

Flame Liberator

Got It Memorized?

Although this only appeared in two Kingdom Hearts games so far, the Flame Liberator is a must-have on this list. Why? Because this is owned by one of the coolest guys in the whole franchise, Lea (who is Axel’s Somebody). Axel/Lea had always been a fan favorite, with tear-jerking scenes in Kingdom Hearts II and 358/2 Days. When people saw how Lea produced his own Kingdom Hearts Keyblade, everyone was just ecstatic.

kh 3 lea

The Flame Liberator seems to be a design combination of three different weapons from the world of Kingdom Hearts – the Eternal Flames, Bond of Flame, and Frolic Flame. The Eternal Flame was the name of Axel’s chakrams back when he was working as a Nobody. The Bond of Flame and Frolic Flame are Keyblades you get after beating him as Sora in KH2, and Ventus after meeting Lea in Radiant Garden in Birth by Sleep, respectively. 

kh3 flame liberator

The blade looks like a solidified flame that is being produced by the average looking black and silver handle. The blade shaft is slanted to an angle but is then reversed at the end of the blade. This is reminiscent of how the Frolic Flame looks, but much more free-flowing and without the loop on top. Instead of the loop, it has a flaming hook, which also acts as the Keyblade’s teeth. Parts of the shaft have flame spikes, but they are more prominent at the end of the blade on the top, going over to the teeth. There is a bright yellow-orange fire which is directly connected to the handle where the hilt should be. The flame’s color turns into a darker shade of orange as you move up the blade. The guard is like a combination of the Eternal Flame chakrams, as well as the Bond of Flame Keyblade. It is circular in shape, with a metallic silver outer circle and a red inner circle. The four “corners” have Nobody thorns, while both “sides” of the guard have smaller silver and red circles, both with little spines in them too. The Keychain token is a small silver Eternal Flame emblem with a black cross. This is connected to the Keyblade by an ornate Keychains that also look like miniature, less thorny versions of the Eternal Flame, complete in silver and red colors.

The Flame Liberator is a sign that Lea is a Keyblade Wielder, and a pretty significant one: he is one of the chosen Seven Guardians of Light.

Ultima Weapon – Keyblades Only for the Worthy

Ahhhhhh! The cream of the crop, the decision-makers, the best Keyblades in each of the games. The last three that rounds off the list this list will be the Ultima Weapons for Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, and 3. There are so many things to talk about this weapon, that the author of this article wants to create a separate report for it. Alas, it is too annoying to do that, so let’s just cram everything about the Ultima Weapons into this.

First of all, the term “Ultima Weapon” is a name for the strongest weapons in a lot of Final Fantasy games. Thus, the name fits what is supposed to be the most potent weapon in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. The Ultima Weapons give off supreme stats on their respective games, and these are often game-changers. The tradeoff is that these weapons are tough to synthesize, requiring extremely rare and hard to get materials to craft one copy. All of these require items that are found during the end of the game, which are either drops from hard events or enemies.

The designs vary for each of the three Ultima Weapons. It is interesting to note that the number of blades in each version corresponds to which game in the series it appears in the franchise. The first Ultima Weapon from Kingdom Hearts has one blade, Kingdom Hearts II has two blades, and Kingdom Hearts III has three blades.

kh ultima weapon

The first Ultima Weapon has a blade that looks like the blade of the Dream Sword. However, it is of much darker color compared to the DS’ white blade. The blade also has a faded brownish-orange line at the middle lengthwise half. The blade is surrounded by a golden filigree, which looks like cake glazes. The teeth part of the Keyblade shows the spikes of a crown, attached to a red and gold heart with more golden ornamental filigree on the sides. This heart is also present on the hilt of the weapon, connecting the blade to the handle. The guard is made up of more filigree, with gold, turquoise, and orange in color. Connecting the ornamental guard to the hilt are two fan-shaped objects. The Kingdom Hearts Keychain for the first Ultima Weapon is a gilded metal heart with golden threads surrounding it. It is connected to the actual Keyblade by a metal chain.

kh2 ultima weapon

The second Ultima Weapon, from Kingdom Hearts II, looks a bit similar to the first one, but with a different overall design. The color scheme now shows blue, white, silver, and gold colors in contrast to much warmer tones of the first. The two hearts are still present on the teeth and on the hilt, both hollow and golden in color. The one on the teeth shows more details at the bottom, which reminds you of the heart emblem which Kingdom Hearts often uses. On the teeth are the same crown’s design as the first one, except they are silver and are much more prominent looking. As mentioned above, there are two blades for this Ultima Weapon. Both those blades are wrapped around the hilt heart at the base. They extend into a “mushroom” styled dome at the end. In the center of these blades is a cylindrical shaped indigo-colored object, also extending towards the end of the blade. In the end, it holds the gold heart teeth, and at its tip lies another bright golden crown. The blades are adorned with ornamental filigree, much like the first one. The guards are spiker on this one, with two silver crowns adorning both the upper sides of the guard. The lower corners of the guard are colored blue and connect to the base with a pale golden ornament. The handle is a simple, yet beautiful looking blue grip with tiny hilts at the top. The Keychain is another crown, blue-colored, with the gilded heart at the center. The chains are three small, silver crowns, and connects the token to the base of the guard.

kh3 ultima weapon

Whereas the Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II Ultima Weapons are regal and free-flowing looking, the Kingdom Hearts III version has much more radical design. This version of the UW looks like it is an actual weapon meant to hurt someone. The two hearts are still present in this Keyblade. The one on the teeth seems like a variation of the Heartless emblem. It is like the Keychain token on Way to the Dawn, without the curved section at the bottom. The other heart is still located on the center of the hilt, connecting the blades to the handle. Both these hearts are red in color. The crown motif on top of the teeth heart is still there but in metallic white color this time. The teeth are also covered in more spikes, which looks like a design from the Nobodies. Each of the peaks on the teeth has flame-looking coloring inside them. The three blades are dark and metallic, like what actual weapons would use. The filigree on the blades are much more straight and cornered, rather than smooth and wavy than the other two Ultima Weapons. These are in white, grey, and red gradients.

The handle of this Kingdom Hearts Keyblade looks like a Katana handle. It has a metallic section at the top, in which a small blade protrudes from. This tiny blade is connected to the hilt heart, in which the three main blades are connected to. The guards are spikier, and the lower corners of the guard resemble draconic wings. The base of the handle is a thinner, edgier version of Sora’s crown emblem, but without the middle spike since it’s where the handle is. The Keychain token is a heart with a four-pointed crown. The symbol is connected to the crown via a series of spike spearheads. 

The 13, Assembled

Now that the list is finished, and we reminisced about the various popular Keyblades in the franchise, we are now ready to welcome Re:Mind with open arms. As this might be the last game related to the first KH saga, we wonder what the future might hold for the series. There might be newer, better Kingdom Hearts Keychains and Keyblades, and we might need to update this list; who knows! All we know is that the journey is not yet finished and until it is…

May our hearts be our guiding key.

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John is a massive video game enthusiast that mostly plays on the PC and the PS4. He currently likes to play MOBAs, FPS, and hunting games like Monster Hunter. He is a resident blogger for this site and focuses more on video games and audio equipment. He plays the drums and rolls around the bed a lot when he's bored.


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